
The Idle RPG is just what it sounds like: an RPG in which the players idle. In addition to merely gaining levels, players can find items and battle other players. However, this is all done for you; you just idle. There are no set classes; you can name your character anything you like, and have its class be anything you like, as well.

World Map

[Offline users are red, online users are blue]

IdleRPG World Map Capt.Swhaele omegon Sunblade ialokin clpo13 watzefak deepend fleg Cordelya ComputerTech crivic juliusisnya bfj iiogama lafe Xena obscure neoroll J-Roc coder lord_entrex alexlehm


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  1. crivic, the level 122 explorer. Next level in 816 days, 07:25:48.
  2. deepend, the level 95 Newnet Knight. Next level in 133 days, 06:01:42.
  3. alexlehm, the level 85 advanced_giver_of_no_fs. Next level in 95 days, 13:07:04.
  4. obscure, the level 64 shadow. Next level in 2 days, 22:23:17.
  5. watzefak, the level 60 Deathknight. Next level in 27 days, 17:47:21.
  6. neoroll, the level 60 Civilian. Next level in 28 days, 15:58:53.
  7. lord_entrex, the level 49 Druid. Next level in 1 day, 10:49:19.
  8. bfj, the level 49 "Atheist Paladin". Next level in 7 days, 00:58:23.
  9. Cordelya, the level 46 'Librarian Monk'. Next level in 17 days, 01:00:06.
  10. iiogama, the level 43 Monk. Next level in 0 days, 10:54:28.
  11. lafe, the level 42 Wizard. Next level in 2 days, 06:50:24.
  12. ComputerTech, the level 41 ComputerTech. Next level in 1 day, 02:16:11.
  13. fleg, the level 38 Button Pusher. Next level in 1 day, 13:21:32.
  14. omegon, the level 30 iamalpharius. Next level in 0 days, 05:29:26.
  15. J-Roc, the level 28 rapper. Next level in 0 days, 07:55:24.
  16. ialokin, the level 28 ninja. Next level in 0 days, 08:58:04.
  17. Xena, the level 28 Warrior Princess. Next level in 0 days, 10:25:44.
  18. Sunblade, the level 27 mercenary. Next level in 0 days, 08:19:24.
  19. juliusisnya, the level 19 Magic. Next level in 0 days, 01:09:05.
  20. Capt.Swhaele, the level 18 Bandit-o'-the-Ocean. Next level in 0 days, 00:40:16.
  21. clpo13, the level 1 paladin. Next level in 0 days, 00:11:44.
  22. coder, the level 0 coder. Next level in 0 days, 00:07:29.